Severe Imaging Problem

Since getting my Aleph-3 I have lateral imaging for the first time.My problem is my room.It is the only practical way I can have speaker set up.The speakers are the same distance from side walls.The left front wall is only 2 feet long then opens to a 5.5 foot wide X 3 foot deep,floor to ceiling window alcove.The right front wall is 6.5 foot long then opens to the alcove.The alcove has windows which are treated with heavy curtains.The alcove also houses myequipment.Obviously I have much more front wall in back of my right speaker.I have side wall treatment as well as front wall.The outside (lateral) imaging is excellent from the right speaker.I couldnt be happier! The left speaker there is little to no lateral imaging.I have reversed I.C.'s
(cont)when I do the imaaging I had 2 feet outside the (L) speaker now is on the inside of the left speaker.The inner imaging I had inside the left speaker is now outside the left speaker.I pretty much have no (L) speaker lateral imaging.I always thought side walls dictated lateral imaging.Could the alcove cause this?It seems so severe maybe its out of phase(?) Maybe a component problem? If its a room problem,any advice?More treatment on left wall?? HELP!!!!!!!! Thanks,Dave
Im sorry,let me correct my last entry.When I reverse the I.C.'s the imaging I had 2 feet outside the RIGHT speaker is now on the inside of the LEFT speaker plane.The imaging I had on the inside of the LEFT speaker plane is now 2 feet outside the right speaker. Sorry for the mess,Im so frustrated I cant think straight!
You'll need to use XLO test CD to verify all the phase polarities. I suspect you might have phave inverted problem taking place somewhere in the component chain. Does the preamp have phase inverting outputs? Good luck!