Severe Imaging Problem

Since getting my Aleph-3 I have lateral imaging for the first time.My problem is my room.It is the only practical way I can have speaker set up.The speakers are the same distance from side walls.The left front wall is only 2 feet long then opens to a 5.5 foot wide X 3 foot deep,floor to ceiling window alcove.The right front wall is 6.5 foot long then opens to the alcove.The alcove has windows which are treated with heavy curtains.The alcove also houses myequipment.Obviously I have much more front wall in back of my right speaker.I have side wall treatment as well as front wall.The outside (lateral) imaging is excellent from the right speaker.I couldnt be happier! The left speaker there is little to no lateral imaging.I have reversed I.C.'s
What I meant at the last was, if that isn't the case, then there's a mintute possibility that there could be something happening upstream, as suggested by Tom above. However, I don't think this is a polarity problem, because that would be more severe, than your description seems to me. BTW, you don't have to have a test CD to check phase continuity between channels, you can just connect one speaker positive to negative, listen, and hear the difference. Play a record with vocals that you know to be centered, and they should be spread all around, even outside the width of the speakers, behind you, above you, etc. I have that XLO/RR test disc, and it is terrific for this, and also for fine tuning the imaging (with the voice and correlated/uncorrelated noise tracks). And the Sheffield ATB "My Disc" is even more essential than the XLO, imo.
Carl,My Dynaco never threw a wide stage,rarely anything outside the speakers plane.I assumed one needed a super big buck system to get consistant imaging in "the outer limits" Anyway,I was floored when the Pass really started to purr and was throwing 2-3 feet images outside my (R) speaker.As I was only getting a hint of (L) sided imaging and only occasional 1 footers thats when I decided to mess with my speaker placement,but failed to improve the (L) side.I tried all types of remedies today.BELIEVE me,without going into all the detail,I spent 4 hours messing around.It appears the best sound is from the original placement and absortion locations.OHHHH, what a bummer!! NEXT??
Like I said, a lot of trial and error. I can't see or hear the system, so I can only be so specific. I too have spent many long hours, and even fractions of an inch make a difference for the midrange and low treble, with regards to how they image in a stable manner.
The more resolution you hear, the more you want to hear. At some point, you do have to tweak in other ways, besides placement. Beleive me, you have not done everything you can do with treatment.
David - Where od your sit in relation to the loudspeakers and the room. One thing you could try to help you determine if you have an equipment problem is so set yourself and speakers up for very close nearfield listening, which is another way of getting rid of room effects. I did this for a while while I familiarized myself w/ a new room and system (though I've sinced followed Carl's advice and gone for sound treatment at the first reflection points, etc). In nearfield, you should still get correct imaging if there is nothin wrong w/ your speakers. The actual set up is simple - the proverbial equilateral triangle, but a fairly small one (4-6 feet on each "leg") and basically in the center of your room. If you e-mail me ( you room dimensions, listening seat height, distance from floor to woofer and number of woofers per speaker etc. I can run them thru the RPG Room Optimizer software and give you a rough set up to try. will also calculate all the first refeflection points