SF vs Raidho

Does anyone have any expert and unbiased opinion regarding Sonus Faber vs Raidho speakers in general.? (Sound characteristics in general)
Raidho's house sound is a bit more transparent than SF which tends to the rich and warm side.  Raidho is not strident--but not as rich and warm as SF. These are my impressions having heard them in other systems but not in mine.
Don’t agree... i believe every high-end brand has specific sound characteristics that make them different being all other peripherals constant..
Well, I hate to give you the bad news, but there is no clear house sound for SF.  I tried a few models at my home, heard two others at dealers and one at an owner's home looking to sell his, all in fairly impressive setups, and there was no consistent "sound" among them.

If you want consistency, go listen to B&W, Magnepan, Vandersteen, Thiel, Sound Lab, to name a few,

I have had the SF Amati Futura for two+ years now, driving them with top-tier mono amps, and I would not classify them as warm at all.  The rendition of vocals and piano is superb, but I would not claim this is because of an over-emphasis in the lower mids.  The overall tonal coherency is impressive with the top 2 octaves being what I would call, polite.  The smaller Olympica model had great detail on top but no tonal coherency through the middle to lower-mid octaves.

Oh, and if you really want to hear a brand that gets constant praise, but which has little consistency of a "house sound" across models, go listen to the Audio Research line.

Again, this is why I suggested you ask about models.  But since you state this is not required, then the responses here will be as I stated before, the usual, "blah blah blah.
@jafox +1
SF do NOT have a house sound, what they do have is a reputation that seems to be consistent from Forum to Forum, and that is they are ’warm’. Problem is that the folks who keep on propagating this reputation typically either a) don’t own the speakers or b) have only heard them in systems that are warm sounding..or c) both
I believe you can make SF’s sound any way you want, want warmth..go with a nice warm sounding tube amp and cable like Cardas upstream, want neutral, go with a neutral ss or tube amp and cabling etc.,

Seeing as you are a first time poster, I would think you would be a little polite to others.  After reading your responses, I wouldn’t give you a straw hat in a blizzard.  Being nice is not a new concept, try it sometime.