Shakti Stone?

My dealer is sending me one to "audition" It will be tried either on my Pass Aleph-3 or Rogue Audio 99 preamp.The 99 has an outboard power supply.The 99 has 4 line-stage tubes and 4 phono tubes.With the outboard power supply with the 99 can there still be a chance it will do its magic or is the Aleph-3 the likely candidate to wear the stone.Has anyone had any big improvements with a Shakti Stone??

Showing 1 response by rogerwalk

Yes I did check whether its just the weight. I was very sceptical before I tested the Shakti Stone. It works noticebly on my Forsell CD transport and DVD/LD player (Pioneer 909). I did blind tests with my friends who don't have to hear a difference just because one spend the money. I compared the stone with the VPI brick and other materials of approx. the same weight (granite, sand box). The consistent result is that the stone when placed on top of CD transport or DVD transport section of my equipment deepens the soundstage and increases the audio signal to noise ratio more than any of the other mass objects. The effect is not huge but for some audio lovers it's worth it. I never heard an effect on preamps, amps, or DACs.