Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu

Santa Claus drops a pair of speakers under your tree in the middle of the night, what do you choose:

  • Pearl Acoustics Sibelius
  • Ohm Walsh 2000
  • Zu Union Supreme 6
  • Bonus Option: Something from Decware with a Lii Song Driver

Extra credit if you add an amp < $5k to the wishlist.





Zu Union Supreme 6 with Coincident Frankenstein 300B stereo amp or Coincident Frankenstein 300B monoblocks.

Already have chosen the Sibelius and am very happy with them. Don't know the others. If you like clean, detailed, neutral sound, value cohesiveness from the single driver approach, and are ok with adding a sub, then the Sibelius may be good for you. If you want oomph and window-rattling bass, then the Sibelius is not your ticket.

Viel Glück!

The Ohms

i already have planers and monitors. Omnis would add a new flavor to my speaker rotation.