Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu

Santa Claus drops a pair of speakers under your tree in the middle of the night, what do you choose:

  • Pearl Acoustics Sibelius
  • Ohm Walsh 2000
  • Zu Union Supreme 6
  • Bonus Option: Something from Decware with a Lii Song Driver

Extra credit if you add an amp < $5k to the wishlist.





The Ohm Walsh 2000s with a Prima Luna Evo 400 integrated. Under $5000 when I got it's predecessor a few years ago but now slightly over.  Very happy with this amp/speaker pairing.

I had a pair of Ohm F’s years ago and loved them.  Depending on your room size,  I would recommend getting the Ohm 2000’s.

I would respectfully ask Santa if he could take them back and bring me a pair of La Scala, Cornwall, Klipschorn, or if I've been a VERY GOOD LITTLE BOY, a set of Jubilee speakers instead.

Ohms.....but I'd want a pair of all of the current lines, so screwed prior to start.

Either that or a 3d 5axis CNC.....also a non-starter....

"...a kite won't cut it, KLAUS!  Get the memo...?!"