
Responses from allenf1963

If an amp has 4 ohm taps
For those way more knowledgeable than me, where should I connect my KLH Model 5 speakers to my McIntosh 225 amp?  The 4 ohms tap?   THE AMP: Stereo or Twin Amp: (Center tap internally grounded) 600 ohms (One side internally grounded) 4 ohms, 8 o... 
looking for bookshelves - Another usual boring speaker discussion
Google Watkins Stereo Gen 4 speakers.  Small manufacturer in my hometown of Kingsport, Tennessee.  Been in business since mid-70's.  Bill Watkins  Sr., patented the dual bass driver that was sold to Infinity in the early '80's.   
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
I can't wait for the first negative review or measurement review of these things so I can watch Eric try to drive his company further into the ground.  I still get a chuckle reading the absolute PR Nuke that he dropped on himself last year.  He an... 
Declare the correct value on the Customs form?
My only question is:   What album did you pay $1,200 for?  I'm not judging, I'm just very curious what the "Holy Grail" album was.  A Beatles "Butcher Cover" variation?  
Where are the front men? (Rant)
@jsd52756 -- I'm glad you liked Riverside's debut album.  When you have time for some deep listening, put on "Second Life Syndrome" and "Rapid Eye Movement", their second and third releases of the "Realty Dream Trilogy".  Read the lyric sheets as ... 
Beware, scammers everywhere
@oddiofyl -- It stuns and flabbergasts me that in today's "Scamner Society", there are still people who would scan a QR Code from some random letter they received.  Anybody that has elderly parents with smartphones should go through and remove any... 
Qualified service technicians disappearing! Recommendations wanted
One year backlog???  Good grief!  I'm going to panic every time I turn on my MC-225 which was produced in 1963.   My advice is the same as @ghdprentice.  If I were you, I'd spend less than $1,000 for this incredible Reisong 300b Integrated Amp t... 
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024?
@devinplombier -- You are welcome, again.  Yes, Watkins Stereo is still churning along.  Bill Watkins, Sr., passed away as you saw in the Absolute Sound obituary, but his son Bill Watkins, Jr., is carrying the torch.  They are located in the same ... 
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024?
@devinplombier -- Nice.  I love old school Infinity speakers.  I'm not certain, but I believe those Infinity utilized the Watkins Dual-Drive Woofer.  I grew up in Kingsport, Tennessee, and was frequently found at Watkins Stereo Center, an Audio st... 
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
@dlevi67 -- Glad you enjoy Bohren.   Definitely give a listen to "Catch My Heart", their remake of the Warlock song from 1985.  Warlock was a German band very popular in Europe, fronted by one of the original metal bad girls, Doro Pesch.  On Bohre... 
Where are the front men? (Rant)
@sls883   I’m happy to have given you some info about Riverside. Feel free to reach out anytime. I’ll send you some photos of framed artwork I have pertaining to the band. Here are a couple of awesome live concerts I was not sure if you mention... 
Read your opening sentence that you have in all capital letters. Then add the word "NO" in even BIGGER capital letters, and make the letters BOLD for emphasis.   You have your answer.  
Shameless Poll: Pearl vs Ohm vs Zu
I would respectfully ask Santa if he could take them back and bring me a pair of La Scala, Cornwall, Klipschorn, or if I've been a VERY GOOD LITTLE BOY, a set of Jubilee speakers instead.  
Where are the front men? (Rant)
@sls883 and @n80    I've been a member of the Riverside Fan Club since 2007 or 2008.  Fantastic Prog Band from Poland founded in 2001 by Mariusz Duda (bass, vocals), Piotr Grudzinski (guitar), Piotr Kozieradzki (drums), and Jacek Melnicki (keybo... 
What were your top musical discoveries of 2024?
@devinplombier -- I usually listen to Bohren on these two systems in my house:   1) New KLH Model 5 speakers connected to an Audio Research SP17 preamp and a McIntosh 225 amp   2) Klipsch Forte II speakers connected to a Dennis Had LP3.1 tube...