Share your real knowledge on cartridge arm matchin

"Gonners" have real knowledge on cartridge parameters to arm matching. Share the reasons the match works well so we can learn something new. Make the best tone arm match for these cartridges:

Air Tight PC-1
Clearaudio (their top cartridge - name escapes me now)
Dynavector DRT XV-1S or mono
Koetsu Stone Bodies
Lyra Titan

BTW: If I missed your favorite cartridge add it and the matching tone arm.
Sure will, but it was sure helpful getting those links for a basic understanding. In the end, it like you said some many other things can come in to establish your system's sound.
I find the Sumiko Celebration cartridge and SME V to be a very good (synergistic?) combination. I read that the cartridge was designed/voiced using an SME V arm and SME 30 table. This is a very good value cartridge.

I plan to listen to and possibly upgrade to the new Sumiko cartridge when it comes out.