Shelby Lynne Live

Shelby Lynne came to Ann Arbor earlier this week and gave an absolutely wonderful performance. She was promoting her latest album, "Just A Little Lovin'", but she performed songs from all her recent albums. She was backed by an excellent guitar/bass/drums trio. Ms. Lynne has a great voice and she really knows how to use it. She sings with a lot of feeling, but doesn't go over the top.

She said that the Ann Arbor date was the last show until they hit the road again sometime in early 2009. I highly recommend her if she comes to your town.
I saw her last month in Fall River, MA at Narrows Center for the Performing Arts, a 280 seat theatre. She performed on a stage that was elevated about 18 inches, and we sat at a table about 12 feet from the stage and about 15 feet from Ms. Lynne. It was one of the most enjoyable performances that I have attended. Her voice is phenomenal.
Thanks for the posts. I am anxiously waiting for her to have a show in Dallas or Austin, TX. I will most definetly attend. Her latest CD is one of the best CDs I've heard in a long time. Outstanding interpretations of Dusty Springfield's material. Great band backing her up. Sonics are excellent too. From her web-site it turns out that she is a fan of vinyl and analog tape! How cool is it to hear the tape "bleed through" on "Just a Little Lovin"? And I thought I loved her for her voice and beauty! I must admit that I envy Oneinthepipe for having spent that much time just 15 feet from Ms. Lynne! Wow.
At one point early in the concert she asked the people in the first row if any of them had a turntable? She then gave an autographed vinyl copy of her latest album to a woman who raised her hand. Shelby then quipped, "ya' know, digital sucks."
Helby "can't roll a joint on an iPod" Lynne

I've listened for the tape bleed through on my LP but haven't heard it. Where exactly is it in the song and what should I be listening for?
Saw her late last month at the Mexicali Blues Cafe in Teaneck NJ. Great show with about 75 enthusiastic listeners. I particularly liked the songs she did off the new record. BTW, you can hear the bleed through on the tape particularly well right before she sings "This old world..." on the title track. I'm not sure how well it will come through on the vinyl version, which I hear is not the best quality pressing. This is one that for some reason I bought on CD and the sound is very good.