Shindo and Joule Electra Preamps


Has anyone moved from using Joule Electra preamp (say LA 150 or 300) to Shindo preamp (Aurieges or Monbrisson)? or vice-versa? Please share your impressions. Did you find the difference to be subtle or significant? I know it is subjective, yet I am interested in learning more about your experience with both preamps.

Thanks for your time.
I tried Shindo before I bought LA-300ME (I don;t remember the model but it was about the same price) and I liked its sound. I liked much, much, more LA-300 but it may be personal

The main reason why I did not go to investigate further lies in the philosophies of both companies.

Shindo build their unit based on old unique parts which produce excellent synsrgy between them. Now, if company is closed and I need new part for repair - where will I get it. If I want upgarde it 10 years later whi will do it, if its based on unique parts synergy?

all J-E pre or power ampsare based on Jud genius design but all parts are the latest and the best. Good example that Simon Thacher was main evaluator of copper teflon caps (see - review section of and even now he is evaluating something new which might or might not end up in production... Moreover, there are number of modifiers here who KNOW Jud designs and always can do , at least part sabstitute if will be need in future upgrades.

Good Luck
Thanks Dob for the feedback. Having experienced LA-150 MKII SE, I have no doubts about the musicality of 300ME.

The concern you raise about repair/parts is valid, but owners of Shindo equipment have posted in few threads that it is not a concern as Shindo has been around for years and provided repair/replacement service.

Thanks again for your time.
" The concern you raise about repair/parts is valid, but owners of Shindo equipment have posted in few threads that it is not a concern as Shindo has been around for years and provided repair/replacement service"

The fact that Shindo has been around and provided (excellent) service is NOT my concern at all.

My concern was (now I don;t care) if Shindo will be gone then WHO in states can repair their equipment with their UNIQUE parts? There are plenty of such people for Joule-Electra needs on other hand. if I am wrong then my apologies.
I want to complicate further a comparison between Shindo and Joule preamps. Which might sound better when coupled to a high quality solid state amplifier?
I have 1 Joule LA150 MKii and a Shindo Vosne Romanee. The Shindo is 3 times the price of the Joule but I like both for different reasons. The Vosne Romanee is smooth, rich and quite detailed. The Joule has a wonderful relaxed sound that simply draws you in to the music. One could not go wrong with either pre and frankly I will soon part with one of them. By way of Interest I tried the SE version of the 150 and prefered the MKii. Ken Shindo and Judd Barber are both excellent designers no matter what component you purchase. I've been through countless preamps and these are truly top flight and both manufacturers have proven track records. Trust your ears.