Two things. First acquire your own fedex membership. You can do so for free and ship under your own account. I’ve shipped hundreds of high dollar audio gear, amps and preamps, without a single issue. Having your own fedex account and you save at least 60-70 percent over shipping over the counter at Ups. Wow, that’s a lot.
I’ve shipped over 100 delicate jazz arch tops throughout the world via FedEx. Again nary an issue. But if you want to be compensated by Ups for trashing your gear and are willing to pay the extra dough via these Ups outlets, and that amount can be very very substantial, then ship Ups.
I’ve shipped over 100 delicate jazz arch tops throughout the world via FedEx. Again nary an issue. But if you want to be compensated by Ups for trashing your gear and are willing to pay the extra dough via these Ups outlets, and that amount can be very very substantial, then ship Ups.