Shopping for an integrated amp

I want to simplify my system a little, largely at my wife's request, so am thinking of switching to an integrated to replace my current separates (Parasound Halo A23 and Meridian 562v w/DAC, powering ProAc Response 1 SC speakers and a very old AudioPro subwoofer). Would like for this to be an actual upgrade or at the very least sideways move. However, the dizzying array of choices has me somewhat paralyzed. I've heard and been impressed by Musical Fidelity's M6i, which hits the ceiling of my price-range. Wasn't overwhelmed by Anthem's 225 Integrated, but didn't hear it with my speakers. Can't audition NAD M3 because even the local NAD dealers won't carry it--they don't seem to like that product line. Would be grateful for opinions.
Check out this equipment and see if it might work for you. You can buy directly from the website or have the kit built to your specifications. Digitalpete (Pete Fulton) is an authorized AN kit builder and repair technician. While I can't speak to the AN integrated amplifier, I can tell you that I purchased the L3 preamp and had Pete build it. I upgraded the volume control component and had him use Dueland caps in the line stage. Simply excellent! Pete's phone number for questions: 240-441-7846
An Ayre AX-7 would be a big upgrade from what you have now. If you needed a lot of power the MF would be an OK choice. For SQ though, I feel the Ayre is much better. The new MF gear made outside the UK just doesn't sound like their old stuff.

Your speakers sound good with tubes, as well. Maybe look at a Rogue integrated. Excellent sound for the money and made in the US.
I second the Ayre7xe. We moved to it a while back from a Classe Cap151 which was getting quite old and we amazed by the musicality it added, deeper bass, nice midrange, overall improvement.