Should I pursue analog? Invest maybe 3 or 4 grand in a table and start buying records? Some stuff sounds really good on Vinyl but it's an expensive endeavor and NEW records aren't cheap. Plus thos pops and noise and a lot of setup required. Love the vintage aspect of it. Some records sound truly amazing on a really good table and cartridge. Take the plunge? Or buy a better DAC and dont look back!!! Lol. 
Buy a Technics SL1200 used from Japan with a Nagoaka MP-200 cartridge and a Shiits Mani phone stage, all for a lot less than that turntable on its own. Much better sound quality also.
Totally forgot about the stylus!!! Ok, so if I get a Hana SL how long will it last vs say a 500 dollar moving magnet?

600 hrs and your Shibata stylus is almost worn out, and i think you have no idea what you can do with it, no one never answered my question regarding Hana (How a customer can get new stylus or new cartridge from the manufacturer of Hana, what’s the cost ?)

With decent MM you can simply buy new stylus with great profile for about $300-400 and your old cartridge is new again. If your MM cartridge is something like Grace you can by different styli (different cantilevers and different diamonds). manufacturers like Pickering/Stanton made all kinds of styli even for 78rpm (or different mono profiles) and you can use all of them with one MM cartridge. When you stay with MM/MI under $700 (or cheaper) you will get much more for the money than one single MC cartridge that you don’t know how to retip and where to retip , and what will be a result of retip). Do you have an MC or SUT even to think about MC ?

For turntable, finally, look at the Technics NEW Direct Drive, check the SL1200GR or G instead of those belt-drive units.

P.S. Nagaoka MP-200 is entry level low compliance MM cartridge with elliptical profile, but at the same cost you can buy amazing vintage MM with better cantilever and better stylus profile. 
Dear @tooblue  : Do it you a favor and please let us know why any of those advises not belongs to mediocrity/average land.

Maybe for you no one of them because you are living in the audio mediocrity level ( I don't know. ) but if you don't then your post has no sense.

Thank you rauliruegas I have decided to sell off everything and not pursue the hobby. Cant get good sound unless I spend about a hundred grand.