Should I need a pre amp for one source?

I certainly don’t need one but you know usually sources usually sound better with a pre amp.
I just purchased a Cary DMS 600 streamer/player/dac.  It replaced an Aurender A10 player and a Linear Tube MZ 2.0s pre-amp with all the upgrades and the Cary sounds much better than the combo just as a stand-alone .
i have always had pre’s in my system with streamers/ Dacs  because the digital volume controls usually leave a lot to be desired 
The Cary seems to get it right. But you know....  was thinking of maybe a passive volume control?  Just don’t want to spend 3K on a pre> upgraded power cord and another set of interconnects. 
Please talk me off the edge of the rabbit hole



Your Cary has up to 3v output from a nice low 220ohm source and it has a volume control just do a direct to amp connection for the most transparent/dynamic sound you can get, any preamp will detract from these and add coloration/distortion.

From Cary: DMS 600 has full 3-volt output and variable volume control for direct-to-amplifier connection
Cheers George
Yes it drives my Kismet Monoblocks nicely. I just like to leave the digital sources at 100 and let the pre take care of volume while increasing the voltage.
Funny my goal all along was to get rid of a pre in the chain. I had a Gold Note DS-10 which is a Streamer/dac and analog pre, but just didn't cut the mustard. Very good for 2500 but not in the league of the Cary.
I had a Musicbook Source on order, which is a Streamer/dac with an analog pre but they took to long to get it to market. I guess I am hung up on the "digital" volume control figuring I am losing bits at lower output.
Thanks for the advice. I am building a dedicated room and will take the 3k and invest in a wall system which will probably make a much bigger difference for the $$$  
Schiit Sys as noted above. Simple and silent if you don’t need additional voltage or tone control. 
The question is whether you want a volume control or music? Those that find the right preamp don’t let it out of their grasp.