Should I or not

This all started when my brother came down for a visit. As it stands now my system is against the short wall. He believes that if I move it to the long wall I can take my system/sound to the "next level".

My current speakers are Paradigm Studio 60. My room size is 11ft wide with 20ft in length. If I do change my setup how far apart should my speakers be if my maximum sitting distance is 10ft.

If I do move my speakers they will have to be closer to back wall which is half window but are curtained. I was planning on purchasing some room treatments(sound absorbers) with my speakers in their current set-up. Will my curtains be suffucient.

Basically I'd like to know if I place my speakers against the long wall will they image better.

I look foward to what members here think I should do.


Showing 1 response by the_kid

Only way to really find out is to give it a try. You never know. Good luck!