Should I upgrade my turntable?

I am actually happy with my Realisic Lab 400 with a denon Dl 160 cartridge. It is the best I have had but I really havent had a lot. Do you think one of the newer MusicHall or entry level offerings would better the sound. Supposedly the Lab 400 was the best radio shack made(and I dont know if that says alot). I have around $250 to spend if it might improve my system any. New or used dont matter to me
Depending on what your using for a phonostage, your return on ivestment may be better upgrading that. I have a DL160 and it didn't really shine until I found a proper matching stage. In most cases any standard MM stage will do, but the output is low enough that I heard unwanted noise from my amp. to compensate. You may not have that problem though.
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Actually, everybody is right. Elizabeth is looking at this from a top "audiophile" point of view, which she is. From her point of view, the TT is crap. If you are happy with "midfi", you can not find a better TT.
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I do have a newer cambridge640p I think its called. It did help the resolution. Its moving coil/magnet Yeah I do like it but just wanted some good recommendations and to see if anyone had ideas of something I could like more . Thanks for the responses