Should listings include the age of the item?

It looks like a lot of used items sell for 50% off list, but:

1) The age of the item is not included in the listing
2) The list price seems to be the current list price, not the price paid for the item

Let me know what you think. Would including the age make valuing on used equipment a little more accurate?

Your answer is flippant. And I guess that Audiogon provides what could be termed a "flipitage" marketplace.
Most wolves are an endangered species, so being a flippant wolf isn't the wisest choice, lol.
In principal, I have nothing against "flippers" provided they respect and practice the ethical guidelines of the AG community. I try to exercise a lot of care in ensuring that a buyer is going to get what he wants. If someone just wants to flip, it makes things a lot easier for me. I don't need to worry about the piece being a good fit.
I don't think age should be listed or it matters. If shown easily you are giving buyers another bit of ammo to lowball you. To me age is a bit of factor but what if an item is old but sparingly used or then vice versa? It is only a couple of years old but heavily used? What then?