Shrinking my system

I'm moving to NYC from a gigantic place out West and I need smaller speakers. I've got a VPI Scout II and a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum. I'm going to pack up the Vandersteens, and I'm thinking of going Klipsch. No bigger than 5" bookshelves and a sub. What would you do?

Showing 2 responses by johnnyb53

KEF LS50's, plus a pair of small, fast powered subs to fill out the 35-60Hz bottom.

Or the B&W PM1 monitors supplemented by their PV1D subwoofer. I've heard this combination and it is a winner in sound quality, conveying the sense of music, while being compact yet elegant in appearance.
06-05-14: Soix
What's your budget? 5" speaker height? Really?
think he was referring to max. woofer size.

BTW, I'm *really* serious about that B&W PM1/PV1D combo. It's a stunning
combo with immediacy, room-filling dispersion, lifelike transparency and
transient response, and very natural tonal balance including deep-reaching bass.
The monitors have 5" woofers. The cabinetry is gorgeous too. I really hope you
are able to audition this combo before you buy.

--From a guy who's not a big B&W fan.