Shunyata Alpha/Delta NR Line.

Does anyone have experience with the new line of NR cables? How would it compare with the previous line of Shunyata cables especially the Alpha HC or digital?
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I tried Alpha NR and Sigma NR for several days. Cables are system dependent, but I decided to keep my Wireworld Silver Eclipse 7 power cords. I recently tried Audioquest's new Thunder power cord and preferred it to the Wireworld. I order Audioquest'S Hurricane, which is two levels above the Thunder. I recommend trying the Thunder in your 
Were the cables new when you got them or had they already been used before? 

They were well broken-in. As I've already said, "cables are system dependant and results may vary." The Thunder impressed me so much I immediately ordered Hurricanes. Unfortunately they are on backorder for a couple of weeks. 
Wow thanks everyone for the detailed explanation.  Gbmcleod you've had a lot of experience with Shunyata and it' nice to read about the models and their overall characteristics. I've owned the Python Helix in the past and currently have a Python CX.  The current line of NR cables seem to be much better than the previous models but like you said, it depends on what one needs in the system such as warmth, clarity and detail,  etc...