Shunyata cables vs Nordost Frey

I would like your opinion on both of these cables.
My system is all Ayre:
Ayre CX-7e cd player
Ayre K-5xe preamplifier
Ayre V-5xe power amp
JM Lab Utopia Diva BE speakers

Need to decide with which one to go:
Interconnect: Shunyata Altair or Aries vs Nordost Frey
Speaker cable: Shunyata Andromeda vs Nordost Frey

Any input is welcome

Thank you

Showing 1 response by paul_music

I have a total Ayre System with Wilson Sophia 2 speakers. I have heard power cords and cables make subtle differences such as Shunyata in a friends system. BUT I feel I have made the discovery of ALL TIME in hi fi, and would love to share it. On a lark, I tried some VIRTUAL DYNAMICS power cords. The improvement in soundstage, detail, and musicality in my system was not subtle, but staggering, astounding. A whole new world opened up, and I am getting sound like I never thought possible!!! I now have my entire system wired with VIRTUAL DYNAMICS power cords and cables, which are a relative good deal financially, and my audiophile friends simply cannnot believe it. It is THAT GOOD. I recommend caling James in Sales at VIRTUAL DYNAMICS
and chatting informally with him about trying some of their cable. It can't do any harm and you will never regret it. He is a really nice guy, and easy to talk with. Even their basic stuff is fantastic, and you will only want more of it. Could I be more enthusiastic? I DON'T THINK SO....... Ayre equipment and VIRTUAL DYNAMIC cable is a marriage made in HEAVEN! And NO they DON'T pay me to say this, LOL