Shunyata Hydra

Ok, I need to make it clear that I am no philistine. I hear the difference between many items with nuanced ability to alter sound quality and fully agree that one must play with every part of their set up to get the sound they want. However, I have played with my shunyata power snakes and hydras in a million ways with many components and in many rooms and have tried floating the ground before and after the hydra and many many more variations. AFTER EVALUATING THE SOUND BOTH WITH COMPUTERS AND MANY UNBIASED EARS I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER THAT SHUNYATA POWER PRODUCTS HAVE ANY SONIC INFLUENCE WHATSOEVER. When I started buying shunyata products I was told by a salesman, "the impact of shunyata hydras and power snakes are in no way subtle." I will dispute that claim with anyone. I spent good money on these parts and wanted them to work very strongly. I can say without reservation their effect is nil. I'm staggered that so many are convinced of their worth.

Showing 3 responses by jea48

Jamiek, lots have had other opinions on Shunyata...I use their conditioners and cords and get a significant improvement...something seems odd on this post...
06-02-13: Jfrech

I don't think he was saying that all power cords and line conditioners don't work, it was just the products.
06-02-13: Zd542

JMHO, for the better or for the worse, Jamiek should be able to hear a difference between the stock OEM power cords and the Shunyata. Even with his audio system.

I would suggest Jamiek pull all the Shunyata PCs and Hydra 8 along with the Shakti electromagnetic stabalizer out of his system and reinstall all the stock OEM PCs back into the system. Plugged the equipment directly into the wall outlets.

Turn the system on put on some familiar music in the Esoteric SA 60 and sit down and listen for awhile.....

I would bet he will hear a difference. For better or worse? That will be his call.

After listening for awhile I would suggest installing one of the Shunyata PCs on the Esoteric only and then sit down for a listen again. Again I would be surprised if he does not hear a difference. For better or worse......

Maybe I was not clear in my post, but i was agreeing with you as well as Jfrech.

People can read. Do you work for Shunyata?
"06-02-13: Zd542

Nope! You must of missed the part where I said, for better or worse.

I would suggest Jamiek pull all the Shunyata PCs and Hydra 8 along with the Shakti electromagnetic stabalizer out of his system and reinstall all the stock OEM PCs back into the system. Plugged the equipment directly into the wall outlets.

Turn the system on put on some familiar music in the Esoteric SA 60 and sit down and listen for awhile.....

I would bet he will hear a difference. For better or worse? That will be his call.

After listening for awhile I would suggest installing one of the Shunyata PCs on the Esoteric only and then sit down for a listen again. Again I would be surprised if he does not hear a difference. For better or worse......
06-02-13: Jea48

Plugged the equipment directly into the wall outlets.
Sorry for not proof reading before posting. Should read,
Plug the equipment directly into the wall outlets.

06-02-13: Zd542

This is what I said,

"06-02-13: Zd542
I don't think he was saying that all power cords and line conditioners don't work, it was just the Shunyata products."

This is what you said I said,

"I don't think he was saying that all power cords and line conditioners don't work, it was just the products.
06-02-13: Zd542"

Sorry, Zd542.

I cannot explain the ommision. I copied and paste the sentence from your post.
By chance did you edit your post and add Shunyata before Bryoncunningham posted his post?

I copied yours before Bryoncunningham posted his message.

Sorry again, I am at a loss.