Shunyata venom digital power cord

Is anyone using this in their system? If so, how does it sound?
I've tried the Venom's and Venom 3S's on various components. They are OK at best. Near their price point I liked some of the Pangea's as well or better (AC14SE and especially the new AC14XL) or the PS Audio AC3.
I'll have to put JPS labs and Voodoo on my short list. I'm really curious about the Venom Digital though.
I have the new Venom digital and it is a superb PC. I also
have the Venom 3's (subs) and Venom 3 HC's on my amp &
Shunyata PS8, and they really opened up my entire system as a
whole, and it is super quite at the same time. I think they
are all excellent PC's!!
I've never seen digital powercords. Do they have built-in processor or any IC circuitry?
Shunyata do a digital version for each step in their cable line. A Venom Digital, a Viper Digital e.t.c

It's possible the only distinction between the Digital and Amp variants is the wire gauge size.

Anyway I am interested to try them, they have some scope shots showing a cleaner AC wave form using their higher end cables, and they have patents pending on a unique dielectric polarity technology that apparently is what gives them and edge.