Shunyatas New CX series

I looked for the thread where someone inquired if anyone had heard the new Shunyata power cords, but it's gone. Hence, new thread.

In the last 3 weeks, I've purchased the Python CX and then again, I got a new baby -- Viper CX.
As I said in my other post, there's no distinction between Alpha and Helix lines. It's two (slap), two (slap) two cords in 1 (apologies to the old two-mints-in-one commercial).
As I also said before, I wasn't expecting to hear a noticeable difference. BUT. BUT. I did.
Already covered the lowering of grain so that a fine mist - or grain - in the soundfield, is gone. What was the Python.
Having had to endure the Viper CX that came in 10 minutes ago on an Arcam FMJ22 while awaiting the Antique Sound Labs Flora premap's arrival, I wasn't expecting much. Got it, though, and right off the bat. Now, you may say, well, it could sound "exciting" because it's cold. And in other circumstances, I might agree. But I've had every generation of Shunyatas and none, out of the box made me cock my head like a dog who hears something nobody else can hear.
Even on the Viper (and I prefer the more expensive cords because, lets face it, they put more into them), the dynamic jump was obvious, the grain lower and more fluid--just like the Python. Obviously, I'm not going to make up stories about how the soundfield expanded: it's 10 minutes old, dummy! Like I should know from that?!?!? Suffice it to say, for $700, it made me take noitce in a way that my older Python Helix Alpha and VX didn't themselves do, right out of the box. I use the lazy ear approach: pay zero attention and see if your attention is captured despite yourself. I'm not yet captured, but I'm sure snagged. I think Shunyata surpassed their old bugaboos: a slightly soft upper midrange and lower treble (those hits on triangles not only lacked punch, they lacked transient bite and, even more, shimmer). Can't tell about the shimmer now, but I'm taking the day off work. I'm snagged ENOUGH and that works for me. '
I'd recommend starting with a Viper, because I KNOW you'll hear it, and if you can hear it from the lower cords in the range, you can expect jumps from the higher ones. One Python and One Viper today: 2 more Pythons in a couple of weeks (there goes the summer vacation in Ibiza, but given the medical things happening, I'll just have to use my imagination when I'm listening to Chabrie that I'm in sunny Spain or on Ibiza. I think with these cords, I could fool myself [don't worry, I've have the fan on to simulate the breeze]).
Try these out guys. I'm using Ushers, and driven by ASL Hurricanes and the Cambridge Audio 840C with transparent interconnects/speaker cable. (yeah, yeah, stifle yourselves. I have Shunyata speaker cable and interconnects too, but this is what's in the system at the moment and I'm HIGHLY analytical. Never change a compoenent during a controlled experiment)

Oh, one more thing: the tonal quality of groups has improved in the new iteration of cords: brass are a LITTLE golden, strings silvery, and on Balalaika, I actually heard more of the body of the instrument, which is to say, instead of just strings, there's more texture, so it doesn't sound like it could just be a guitar. Quite a jump in the line's resolution, especially the low-level resolution...Maybe it's the midbass-to-lower midrange dynamics, which SEEM more powerful. OR maybe it's the fumes from that Rogaine I just put on my scalp ...
After a bunch of experimenting with various generation Anacondas, the best combination I found is:
Anaconda CX from wall to V-Ray II;
Old Anaconda Alpha VX on my EMM cdp;
Anaconda Alpha Helixes on my preamp/headphone amp
and power amp.
Hi, I am a newcomer to the Shunyata cable world, having just purchased my first Anaconda CX and receiving it about a week ago. I immediately placed an order with my dealer for 3 more Anaconda CX's and eventually (financially permitting) hoping to obtain 3 King Cobra's for the preamp, amp and incoming line from the wall to conditioner and then placing all Anaconda's on source components.

So far, even with one in the system I am extremely impressed. I am jumping up from my long time reference - PS Audio Premier SC cables which are silver/copper quad shielded. Immediately, the Anaconda buried the Premier SC so handily I was, and and still, shocked.

Curious with what folks have experienced with differences in the KC vs. Anaconda in terms of additional performance.


There's no doubt that the King Cobra is one-of-a-kind. I spent a couple of weeks comparing one with an Anaconda CX on my old Hydra to the wall. To me the KC provided a bit more bass and an even smoother top end than the Anaconda CX. Everything had a bit more weight. That said, I just couldn't justify the extra expense. Instead, I upgraded my Hydra to the new Triton conditioner. The money spent on that provided me with FAR more bang for my buck than a couple of extra King Cobra's. I just didn't think the added performance of the KC nearly justified $1500 more dollars. Of course that's just me and my system. YMMV.
Vhiner, how does the Triton compare to the Hydra? Is it good for the power amps? I have Electrcompaniet NEMO monoblocks and I'm scared the Triton would compromise the dynamics.

Per my consultations with Shunyata research, I run my amp directly into a seperate 20 amp line as opposed to running it through the Triton. If I did not have this 20 amp line, they would recommend running it through the Triton. I have a lot of $$ tied up in my system, so I use a Shunyata Guardian to protect it from Midwestern storms...if it degrades the sound a tiny bit, I think it's worth the sacrifice.

The Triton is in a completely different class from the Hydra. It removes so much grunge that I experience a 3-D effect when listening to many recordings. The bass and soundstage are much, much more realistic. Highs are free of much of the grain I heard with the hifi sibilance here...but neither is anything rolled off. It feels like Caelin has really hit the sweet spot with this one. BTW, I understand that Robert Harley has adopted it as his new reference and that a review is forthcoming. Wish my Thiels would play nicely with those NEMO's...nice gear.