Siemens -Halske 6922

I was wondering if any of you have had personal listening experiences with these babies in your rigs? I would appreciate a discription of the tube's signature, likes/dilikes, the whole nine... thanks, warren :)
I agree with the bugle boy suggestion, Mullard e88cc or what I find to be neutral is gold pins telefunken e88cc these will not be bright and will last a lifetime. If you do not find a resonable price on the tubes you want feel free to contact me, I have many extra (pairs and quads) of many of the tubes discussed here
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In the late 90's, I tried or owned almost every tube type available in this family. Sold much of it but still own/use certain brands. Recently, I plugged in a pair (unused) of RCA branded Siemens 6dj8's (1968 vintage). After some initial congestion, these tubes showed some impressive traits. Almost as resolving as the SH CCA, more resolving than the SH 6922 (1962 vintage) Vacuum tube valley has them on sale at %15.00 off. Total of $85.00 shipped plus handling fee. A real bargain in this crazily overpriced tube world of late.