Silky and soft highs: product of coloration?

Hi folks this is a bit controversial topic. I know some amplifiers (and some very expensive ones too!) have a very silky and soft presentation of the (upper) treble. I'm wondering if this silky presentation can be considered as a hallmark of quality for amplifiers or rather a sort of coloration that makes the upper treble soft and "pretty". In my opinion I can divide amplifiers in two groups: one group (the largest) with "ordinary" treble response (not very pretty) and the other group that consists of only a handful of amplifiers (both solid state and tube) with a refined and silky treble. The contenders within this last group are alas too expensive for mere mortals. This brings me to another question: is such a refined and silky treble only to be had with megabuck amplifiers?
I consider the Anne-Sophie Mutter recording "Carmen Fantasie" as the ultimate test recording for treble sweetness. If the amplifier sounds just "ordinary" with this recording (especially where the violin plays in the upper register) then the amplifier is not "refined" enough.

The power amplifier is the last "active" component that the signal passes thru. The logic is easy to follow..........
Reb, so you are suggesting the power amplifier is the least important component within an audio system? It might be the least important, but it's signature with regard to the final sound is not to be underestimated! If you are saying the power amplifier doesn't have a big influence on the final sound, then you have never auditioned the best (of the megabuck) power amps.

Oh my!, no I'm saying just the opposite. Power amp is as important as the preamp and source. Any weak link in the chain becomes a bottle neck for the signal. If you have killer upstream components, how are you going to hear what they can do thru a mediorce power amp?
I'm with Reb, the weakest link in the chain defines the whole chain.

Also, some speakers are VERY amplifier dependent. The bass on some speakers (like DALI and Vienna Acoustic) can sound totally unacceptable with an amp that can't control the woofers, but with a good match they're magic sounding.

Also, just because an amp is very high quality doesn't mean it'll work equally well with all speakers. There needs to be a synergistic match all the way up and down the line, but particularly between the speakers and amp.

Reb1208, and Dcstep

Do you guys have $25,000-$50,000 amplifiers?...(" best of the megabuck power amps").....if not, and it looks like, you do not?

You are degrading your violins....yes?... And you have just found your "weakest link".

The logic is easy to follow..........(-:
