Siltech G5 range compare with Stereovox Reference

I recently acquired a set of Stereovox SEI-600 interconnects with their new terminators. I need one more set of interconnects along with a set of loudspeaker cables. However, I cannot quite make my mind up about the merits of the Stereovox reference cables in comparison with the Siltech SQ-110 G5 cables that I also use.

The back end of my system consists of Audio Research VT-100 power amp, Audio Research LS25 MKII pre amp and Talon Audion Hawk monitors. I would like to purchase the same speaker cable (Siltech LS-188 or Stereovox LSP-600) to go with my selected interconnect.

My question: has anyone experience with these two cables and a second opinion on their strengths and weaknesses and possible performance in my set up?

Many thanks
Hi Desmond - sorry for the late response. According to feedback and experience: Stereovox cables need about 50 hours to get 80% of the way through break in, with 150 hours to settle the rest of the way.
Hi Dgob,

We do phonocables with XLR terminations as custom products for Continuum Audio Labs. The only phono stage I know of that has XLR inputs is the Boulder, for which we've made a couple of phono cables for past clients.
Hi Chris,

I'm using Raul Iruegas' Essential 3150 from an Ikeda tonearm and so I'd need a 5 pin Din to two XLRs phono cable. Would a custom made 2.5m length of your BAL600 cable be a possibility?

Thanks again