Silver cables

I am interested in purchasing silver rca cables with a budget of around $100.00-$200.00 for the pair. I have not seen many pure silver cables in that range with the exception of some offerings from Soundsilver and Darwin's original cables, but Darwin's have jumped quite a bit in price recently. Any suggestions, or any experiences with Soundsilver's offerings or any other silver cables in my price range . All suggestions/critiques will be greatly appreciated.
Well, I've finally broken in my Tempo Electric silver speaker cables and yes, they are da bomb. My Mapleshades have been supplanted (they put up a good fight) but when there is a clear winner the title has to be passed.

The performance increase is on the level of the Darwins Sivler ICs I have. It took a while for them to break in but I had no idea just how big an improvement they'd be. In a few hours my review of them should post under 'cable reviews' so feel free to check them out.

It only goes to show that you don't have to spend big bucks to get big results.

All the best,
Nonoise, I have been using Tempo SC's since the inception of my system. I also use the same Tempo IC's (XLR-RCA, pre to amps, wanted to refrain form adaptors) To be fair, I had not compared any others in these two positions.
I am very happy and am happy that you are happy and happy to spread the happiness. Enjoy
Isochronism, I wish I was as fortunate as you to have discovered these gems at the beginning of all of this. I haven't heard everything out there but I truly don't believe you're missing anything.

Happy? Yes. Enjoy? Most certainly.

All the best,
I compared the Tempo silver cables to Amadi as Ischronism was very kind to let me try them. They are very good ic's with superb detail retrieval and smooth sound.

In the end I find the Amadi silver ic's more to my liking. They are just as resolving, but with a more powerful bottom end and more natural tone. The Amadi ic's have more body and weight and convey a more full bodied, natural sound. This was what I found in my system which consists of;

TRL Dude preamp
Thor TPA 30 mono amps ...... Modified
Coincident TVIII speakers.....modified
Lampizator dac w/Empirical Audio Offramp

Gold, platinum, Palladium  Silver,copper, ! Which one them is the best signal carrier ?  if you know the answer please do let me know because over the last 40/50 years  Involved as serious music listener both analog and digital ( approx 35 hours a week) tried radio shack to extortionately priced  interconnects and speaker cables, Yes I totally agree that cables do makes a difference and yet every cable they do have their unique characters , some Audio pre or power amps they make not like above mentioned different materials some they do As we all synergy is very important as well as room acoustics, also realised that SET amps  are less fussy to make good marriage, all above mentioned different materials cables but PP/ and SS Amps slightly different issues I've experienced, never tried Hybrid amps therefore no opinion on that,  most important thing is, if your system's interconnects are all copper ! and yet speakers cables are , silver or gold even platinum , or palladium results could be negative it is all depends what we believe and what we hear ? as well as what we can afford after all I've settled well executed well burnt  Copper cables. ( well known cable designers like Yamamura who baked his copper cables high temperature stone made owens in italy  highly expensive but amount of labour and skills required to make those copper cables it may be worth it .)