Silver Speaker Cables

I would like to try silver speaker cables. I have always been curious as to how they would affect the sound of my system. That said, I have a very limited budget. Is there such a thing as low priced silver cables? If so, recommendations?

Thanks all!


I think any differences heard are so miniscule per dollar spent, you’d be better off buying better components than changing a cable.

In some scenarios this could certainly be the case given the many independent variables of specific audio systems. I can say that this sure was not my outcome.

I remain very happy with my current components and have no interest in wholesale changes. The addition of high-quality pure silver cables has been terrific in my audio system.


I think any differences heard are so miniscule per dollar spent, you’d be better off buying better components than changing a cable.

When swapping components in the ~10 - 20K MSRP range, the differences are significant but matching considerations with the other components dictate whether the resulting system configuration is good or bad. Swapping copper for large gauge solid silver speaker cables provides me a "yeah that’s better" reaction with all the "good" system configurations. It’s not that copper sounds bad, but silver gives more lifelike detail. That, for 2K - 4K in used deals, was well worth it to me - the next level up in components is not going to be achievable for that little extra amount.


 It’s not that copper sounds bad, but silver gives more lifelike detail. That, for 2K - 4K in used deals, was well worth it to me - the next level up in components is not going to be achievable for that little extra amount.

This mirrors my experience with high quality silver cabling. In addition to the "lifelike detail", I experience increased openness, air and a more convincing natural tone and timbre. System, component and wire quality dependent of course.


"This mirrors my experience with high-quality silver cabling. In addition to the "lifelike detail", I experience increased openness, air, and a more convincing natural tone and timbre. System, component, and wire quality dependent of course"

@charles1dad, I agree 100%, that's how I would describe the silver wire in my system also. Excellent description.

A happy user of Lavri pure silver cables. I am running them on speakers and interconnects. Power cables are Sinergystic Research Foundation. 

On my system and to my tastes, the Lavris sound beautiful. Neutral and revealing but without a hint of glare or coloration. This said my system is 1/2 a notch on the warm side of neutral.