Silverline?Thiels? Audio Physic?: Need guidance

After deciding to look for something better than Thiels Audio Physic, I have been on the verge of purchasing a pair of Silverline Sonatina II, but read that they really sound better with a tube amp. I have a high current SS Aragon amp which is 200RMS. Also, I am confused if this is the best choice of speakers because there seems to be many Silverlines on resale. Yes, their cabinet wood is beautiful, but I don't want a speaker that is going to sound either bright, uneven, dull, or boomy because it is more compatible with some esoteric tube flea power amp. I can't afford to go out and buy $3000-5000 in monoblock tube amps or even a single tube amp of 100 RMS. So, owners or former owners of Silverline Sonata II or Sonatina II, I need your advice. Also, one final question, how does the Sonatina II compare to either the Audio Physic Virgo II, and/or Thiel 2.3 both which I heard and like for different reasons; I was hoping from what I read on the web that the Silverlines are better and offer more detailed and musical sound. Thank you all, SJ
The Silverlines are very good speaker.Though Aragon made (when it was Mondial)(and makes) a very good amp,it general percieved they are a hair bright,and I would concur with that.If you really love the Silverlines than you should reconsider your amplification.The rule of thumb is go with your speakers as you first priority amd work your way back.
I don't know about the Silverlines being "better" than the other fine speakers you mention, but I will add that Thiel will shortly be releasing the new CS2.4 to replace the 2.3.
Zaikesman, do you kknow something that we don't? I thought Thiels next speaker would be a new 3 series.