SimAudio or Classe for Power Amplifier

As I continue to upgrade my system I am looking at the amplifier as the next component on the hit list.

My current system:
- Marantz SA-14 SACD player (modified by Tube Research Labs)
- Conrad-Johnson 17LS Tube Preamplifier (Amperex Holland 60s tubes)
- Rotel RMB-1095 5X200W power amplifier
- Wilson Benesch Discovery loudspeakers

I am looking for a solid-state power amplifier with 200WPC minimum to drive the WB loudspeakers. I originally thought of getting a set of Parasound JC-1 monoblocks but realize that the heat dissipation would be an issue in my modest sized room. I will stick with a tube preamplifier however the brand/model may evolve over time.

Living in Canada, I thought that SimAudio and Classe would be two companies worth investigating. Both of these Quebec, Canada based companies have a good reputation for building high quality power amplifiers. Also both appear to be stable financially.

The current models I am looking at are:
- SimAudio WS, 190WPC
- Classe CA2200, 200WPC

If I win the lottery, I might consider getting the monoblock versions, ;-}
- SimAudio W10, 750WPC
- Classe CAM400, 400WPC

I am interested in the feedback of those who have compared the amplifiers of these two companies. Also feedback about these companies in general. I understand that Classe is now owned by the holding company that owns B&W and has a stake in Rotel. Not sure if SimAudio is still an independent company.
You don't give a price range or a willingness to buy used, but you can pick up a pair of W10's for around $4500, which I think is a fantastic buy. I bought a used pair for around that price and have been using them to drive a pair of Dynaudio Confidence C2's, which I find to be a great pairing. I have read that Dynaudio uses Simaudio amplification to voice their speakers - no idea if that's true, but they sound good enough together to be true.

The other thing I like about the W-10's is that they run very cool - I can leave them on all the time and they don't heat the room, and you have to drive them hard before they begin to feel very warm to the touch. They are also extremely powerful. I'm sure I'll convince myself that soemthing is lacking at some point, but for now I can not imagine what would drive me to trade them out shy of a completely different system phiosophy.
I'm really close to buying a W-8, and giving up my W-5. The neat thing about the Sim sound, and the Classe sound, is that these two great companies strive to achieve the hardest, most elusive goal out there: to reproduce sound the way it was recorded. Nothing added, nothing taken away. This is in contrast to the VAST majority of other manufacturers, especially the small ones, which aim for what they call a "musical" sound, which means, euphonically colored to sound pleasant and musical, but that is NOT what is etched onto the CD that is playing. You see, when you set an alternate sound goal that you can control (such as to achieve a "soft", "rhythmic" or "round" kind of sound), this involves variables that can be determined, quantified and controlled in the design stages. So, you get a nice, homogenized sound, but one that is NOT true to the original signal. Now, if you play a musical instrument, and therefore know what "real" sound is all about, you know what I am talking about. This is why I cannot listen to products like MF, Ayre, and (sorry tube fans) pretty much the vast majority of tube gear. It does not sound like the real thing, and measurements will prove that. Sure, it can sound nice and pleasant, but not "real". Technology today allows for the design of very high performance systems, systems that can closely recreate the thrill of a live performance. Lifelike. That's why I like Sim and Classe so much - and I prefer the Sim because it seems, to my ears, that they are closer to that ideal than Classe, especially with the new Evolution stuff. Plus the fact that Sim is probably a smaller company, now that Classe is owned by the people that do B&W and Rotel, and Classe has started to subcontract a lot of parts in China, yet their prices are still very high. What I mean is that when a company gets big, the bean counters come in and control too much. That doesn't seem to be the case with Sim, and my experience with their products, talking with their staff, and seeing them at shows has so far supported my opinions. So go for the Sim, plus they've been around for more than a quarter of a century (a bit longer than Classe), so when they give a 10-year warranty, it is credible.
I am an electrical engineer and an audiophile, and I appreciate what some companies are doing - i.e. the likes of Sim, Classe and Levinson - a true push forward to the elusive goal of perfect sound. I will never buy a product from a company that says that single-ended is better than balanced, for example. It is simply not true. Balanced is ALWAYS better, when done right: good parts, good design and truly balanced (as opposed to that fake quasi-balanced we see so much on even expensive gear). I know the Sim and Classe gear is balanced when they use XLR connectors. Most, like ALL Rotel, even many Krells (not all though), are not. The only reason why a company would tell you that their S/E designs are the best is because they won't spend the money to do it right - balanced is always expensive as it requires a much more formidable power supply and twice the parts, as well as a larger chassis to fit it all in.
There - I've vented.
So, if any of all of this revealing info makes sense, my recommendation to you is to go and spend your money on a product from a company that doesn't practice marketing and voodoo. Get the Sim or Classe, my preference strongly towards the Sim but that's personal opinion.
I am in agreement with the response from Audio4ever and how he sees these 2 fine companies except that I am completely the reverse in my findings specific to which is closer to musical truth. I would give that slight edge to Classe, primarily because of the midrange and the total lack of glare in the high frequencies.

Also, just for clarity, Classe Audio of Quebec has been around an awful lot longer then Simaudio.

Good listening.