SimAudio or Classe for Power Amplifier

As I continue to upgrade my system I am looking at the amplifier as the next component on the hit list.

My current system:
- Marantz SA-14 SACD player (modified by Tube Research Labs)
- Conrad-Johnson 17LS Tube Preamplifier (Amperex Holland 60s tubes)
- Rotel RMB-1095 5X200W power amplifier
- Wilson Benesch Discovery loudspeakers

I am looking for a solid-state power amplifier with 200WPC minimum to drive the WB loudspeakers. I originally thought of getting a set of Parasound JC-1 monoblocks but realize that the heat dissipation would be an issue in my modest sized room. I will stick with a tube preamplifier however the brand/model may evolve over time.

Living in Canada, I thought that SimAudio and Classe would be two companies worth investigating. Both of these Quebec, Canada based companies have a good reputation for building high quality power amplifiers. Also both appear to be stable financially.

The current models I am looking at are:
- SimAudio WS, 190WPC
- Classe CA2200, 200WPC

If I win the lottery, I might consider getting the monoblock versions, ;-}
- SimAudio W10, 750WPC
- Classe CAM400, 400WPC

I am interested in the feedback of those who have compared the amplifiers of these two companies. Also feedback about these companies in general. I understand that Classe is now owned by the holding company that owns B&W and has a stake in Rotel. Not sure if SimAudio is still an independent company.
I am in agreement with the response from Audio4ever and how he sees these 2 fine companies except that I am completely the reverse in my findings specific to which is closer to musical truth. I would give that slight edge to Classe, primarily because of the midrange and the total lack of glare in the high frequencies.

Also, just for clarity, Classe Audio of Quebec has been around an awful lot longer then Simaudio.

Good listening.
audio4ever and rjhalla:

I find your opposite opinions very interesting. What speakers have you heard the Classe and Simaudio on respectively? I have B&W 802D speakers. Also, do both mind if I ask what kind of music you listen to and what your preferences are in terms of music reproduction?
audio4ever, I own B&W Matrix 801 S3 loudspeakers, I had a long audition with the W-5 and the CA-2200 driving these speakers. At the same time I had the opportunity to have a CA-300 and CA-401 in my home. I also auditioned a Bryston 4B-SST during this time but removed it from the competition very quickly, it was far less musical than the others.

The order of preference I had for these amps is in the following order: CA-300, CA-2200, W-5, CA-401.

The CA-300 was really an enjoyable amp, very musical, almost sweet. The CA-2200, I would describe it as pure, nothing added, nothing removed...very, very fast. The W-5 had great bass control, leaned a bit toward that sweet sound, but could be a bit edgy on the top end. The CA-401 was truly a brute, tons of power, but a bit much for me.

In the end however I still prefer my Classe S-1000, warm, sweet, and when needed it will kick like few amps can.

As far as music, mostly classic rock, lots of Zeppelin. I do enjoy music by the Corr's, Chicago, Whitney etc, but generally I find myself back into Classic Rock after the first hour of listening or so.