Simple question, best sounding inexpensive DAC.

I have a second system with a CD changer and would like to pick up an inexpensive DAC that would sound better than the DAC in this Denon changer.

If it helps, I listen to Jazz and female vocals. Using a Magnum Dynalab receiver with Quad bookshelf speakers..all Wireworld cables.

Happy Thanksgiving...j
Slap, Bam, Biff!! Ouch, ZD. So, it's the Elgar/end of discussion? That's pretty harsh from someone with generally good, helpful, informed advice. Frankly, I'd say your's is some of the worst advice, ridiculously inappropriately overpriced overkill. -Not to say the Elgar wouldn't be the best choice for a more expensive system. And, you may still feel it's a bargain....but:
Getting back to being helpful, digital is the area of fastest changes and the price for good sound is dropping "daily". I'll second the Schitt as being a great choice and add the Ifi gear for his strong consideration for this system at a very affordable price. (Further; power distortion corruption considerations do prominently figure in the ifi design.)
"So, the dcs Elgar is the very definition of an "inexpensive" DAC...really?"

This is why we REALLY need a sarcasm font. And some people still don't know what ;^) means. Sheesh.
"11-25-15: Truman
Slap, Bam, Biff!! Ouch, ZD. So, it's the Elgar/end of discussion? That's pretty harsh from someone with generally good, helpful, informed advice. Frankly, I'd say your's is some of the worst advice, ridiculously inappropriately overpriced overkill. -Not to say the Elgar wouldn't be the best choice for a more expensive system. And, you may still feel it's a bargain"

Yes, I made a joke. But if the OP gave us just a little more than nothing to go on, we could actually make a recommendation. My recommendation is a good one, however. Who wouldn't be happy with an Elgar? And you can get good deal on a used one for a lot less than some other very high price offerings.

No on to more important issues. I'll highlight at few choice quotes.

"Since you're using a CD player you should get a good quality Toslink cable and a DAC that has a Toslink input. For newbies that's fiber optic cable."

"Power doesn't travel down the optical cable, it's light! So it's the cleanest thing imaginable, to me anyway."

"Bottom line, they make a difference so you should spend at least $150 on a power cord, maybe $200 on the DAC, and with that you might have a really great sounding setup, sounding as good as other DACs at many times the price."

"Make similar power cord upgrades and add a USB Disruptor to the $1200 DAC, serve it 96/24 music, and it would would really take an expert listener to tell the difference between that setup and really any other DAC, at any price."

"Get it right though and you get sound as good as anything at any price."

"You can always spend more on bigger amps and speakers but that's just going to be louder."

"Live rock music 120 decibels. You can get these levels from most 50 watt per channel amplifiers with two to three driver speakers."

I hate breaking it up like this because the post is a work of art that can only be appreciated by reading it in its entirety.

To sum up: Toslink is the best. Buy a $150 power cord to put on a $200 dac. Buy a usb disruptor for a $1200 dac and it will be the best obtainable, regardless of price. The only thing bigger amps and speakers will do for you, is make the system louder.

If you guys want to criticize me for recommending the Elgar and stand up for the load of crap listed from the above post, go right ahead. I won't lose a minutes sleep over it.
Sorry, I did not mention price.  Under 500 would be good, but would consider up to about 700.

Thanks to all.