But when you consider AER/Vox/Festrex all 3 big WBer labs employ whizzers.You've not mentioned PHY, who has been making 'full range' drivers for a very long time. None of them use whizzer cones. They are not any more or less beamy than drivers with whizzer cones and phase plugs. But you could make the argument they sound smoother. That is because breakups cause speakers to have a harsher sound, and whizzer cones can break up and introduce harshness.
They must have tested with and w/o whizzers.
To me its not important whizzer or no whizzer, only the acutal sound matters to me.
Still waiting for your imput as to the TB 2145's beaming effect.
I could swear I heard soemthing of that affect in my 2 day testing. .
So if the 2145 does present some beaming,
The best HF response from the PHY drivers is probably their 6" unit.