Single ended = large images?

I'm thinking about trying single ended amps. Years ago for a short time I had Cary 805b monos. I absolutely loved everything about the sound, except that they made all the images very large... Which for me took away from the realism. 


Do all the Cary 805 models do this? Not sure if the 211 option on the anniversary edition might be different? I saw a comment by Dennis had that the large image size was intentional and an artifact of zero feedback. 


If that's just the way the cary amps are, are there other brands of relatively high power single-ended amps that might not present images in a large and upfront manner? My main speakers are Verity Audio Parsifal, which are only 89 DB efficient. I also have a six pack of REL G2 subwoofers. I want to preserve as much dynamics as possible while moving to single ended, which is why the cary amps are attractive to me... Meaty transformers and a fair amount of power. My room is 15x29 and I listen moderately loudly but not very loudly. Mix of jazz, blues, rock and classical piano.


I appreciate any thoughts and any recommendations of other brands that might do what I'm looking for -- that single ended magic without giant forward images. Pricewise I'm looking in the $4k to $7k range used.




Showing 1 response by immatthewj

4 ft violin, 12 ft wide piano etc.

I’ve always thought that with most recordings with a piano in them, the piano usually sounds nearly as long as the small room I am set up in . . . but it’s been so long since I’ve been to live music (with or without piano). . . .

Not that this applies to you and your equipment, but I remember back in the early summer of ’01 when I got my present amp (Cary V12) I was set up in a bigger room and I was frequently operating within ear-bleed parameters. I remember one early afternoon when I was the only one in the house and I had the Steve Earle/I Feel Alright CD on, and I just kept tweaking it louder and louder and louder . . . I remember describing it to a friend of mine at work, I told him it was like the picture was blowing up bigger and bigger like a balloon! I thought that the speakers might explode! Anyway, I found the experience to be a lot of good clean sonic fun, and I rather enjoyed it.