Single vs. Dual Subs

It's common wisdom that dual or multiple subs help smooth out bass response in different spots in the room, but what about for a dedicated listening room with a fixed single listening position? What do two subs add to the music presentation that a single dialed in sub is missing provided that single sub is dialed in perfectly for the listening position?
Caveat: not interested in the SWARM method or multiple subs at the moment, strictly comparing single to dual subs
I have two JL audio E112s both are high-passed at 60hz but no dsp. 
Over the last few months both broke (bad volume pots) and needed repaired so I had one sub at a time as I rotated then out for repair. 
During this time I optimized the placement with one sub (large dedicated room). After a lot of messing around I got one sub to sound fine but the volume level adjustment was picky and it never felt just right. I assumed this is because there were some lumps in the bass. Some songs seemed light and some seemed heavy. 
After a few months I got both subs fixed. Dropped them into their normal spot and boom everything locked into place and sounds much better. No more chasing sub volume adjustments. With two subs placement is much more flexible too. 
Actually not a lot....

Take a look at the Room EQ Wizard room simulator.

I've run a few simulations and honestly with an untreated room the benefits of filling in nulls aren't something I can replicate.

If anyone puts together an REQ simulation that shows 2 subs vastly better please point me to it online, I'd love to learn that this is better than I think it is.


You may have a single, fixed listening position, but the sound that you are hearing is coming from the whole room.  And a single sub, no matter how well placed, will tackle all the acoustic anomalies that the room has.  
I have a small dedicated listening room with a single chair in it. I had a single REL sub and thought my setup sounded pretty darn good (Anthem STR, Merlin TSM’s), I decided to try adding a second subwoofer, the improvement was well worth the investment.