Well, in the end it is always the unexperienced user who has the money for an object others can't afford, but he is simply too stupid to use it properly. High End is full with such explanations (same with driving cars, playing Gold, Surfing and so on...). You always have choices, some use simple, vibrating MM Systems because they have no Phonostage which can do a decent job for cheaper MC's, some use expensive cables because only with these a huge soundstage is possible, others own 8000 records and listen maybe to 50...a Forum is always an exchange of experience, Ego, Tips, Marketing, Sales promotion, Religion, Opinion...
I looked at Lavignes Systems page and wrote to a few of his visors who listened to his Rockport and asked a simple question:
"Did you listen a complete Side from first to last track or only one or two?"
The answers were all the same, none of them listened to a full side, the Demo was always one or two tracks and then something different was used...
Made sense for me.
I think, there are maybe specialists for everything in Mexico but unfortunately no one asks them. Internet can help but sometimes it can be a shot in the own foot also.
The Walker is an interesting unit. Some replaced it with a old 800$ Technics Turntable and invested in Plinths and more...Audiophile rating has its own rules :-)
I looked at Lavignes Systems page and wrote to a few of his visors who listened to his Rockport and asked a simple question:
"Did you listen a complete Side from first to last track or only one or two?"
The answers were all the same, none of them listened to a full side, the Demo was always one or two tracks and then something different was used...
Made sense for me.
I think, there are maybe specialists for everything in Mexico but unfortunately no one asks them. Internet can help but sometimes it can be a shot in the own foot also.
The Walker is an interesting unit. Some replaced it with a old 800$ Technics Turntable and invested in Plinths and more...Audiophile rating has its own rules :-)