Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
Raul - no I didn't know who Jtinn was, I dont live in the US and yes when you read the comments on turntables in his system where he states the NVS is better than ...., there is no disclosure of his commercial interest in NVS.
Well, in the end it is always the unexperienced user who has the money for an object others can't afford, but he is simply too stupid to use it properly. High End is full with such explanations (same with driving cars, playing Gold, Surfing and so on...). You always have choices, some use simple, vibrating MM Systems because they have no Phonostage which can do a decent job for cheaper MC's, some use expensive cables because only with these a huge soundstage is possible, others own 8000 records and listen maybe to 50...a Forum is always an exchange of experience, Ego, Tips, Marketing, Sales promotion, Religion, Opinion...
I looked at Lavignes Systems page and wrote to a few of his visors who listened to his Rockport and asked a simple question:
"Did you listen a complete Side from first to last track or only one or two?"
The answers were all the same, none of them listened to a full side, the Demo was always one or two tracks and then something different was used...
Made sense for me.

I think, there are maybe specialists for everything in Mexico but unfortunately no one asks them. Internet can help but sometimes it can be a shot in the own foot also.
The Walker is an interesting unit. Some replaced it with a old 800$ Technics Turntable and invested in Plinths and more...Audiophile rating has its own rules :-)
Dear Syntax: Always exist stupid and ignorant people, this " privilege " belongs to everywhere including Germany.

+++++ " my hope is that Unoear enjoys the Rockport completely. until a few days ago i was not aware of this mis-tracking.......... ..... at various times i did observe each one of those conditions.....although all of those were in the first few years of ownership....the learning curve. since that time there has been no problems with this issue. " +++++

that was what M.Lavigne posted. With those statements I understand and assume that after that " learning curve " his Sirius does not showed that problem.

you posted: +++++++" I looked at Lavignes Systems page and wrote to a few of his visors who listened to his Rockport and asked a simple question:
"Did you listen a complete Side from first to last track or only one or two?"
The answers were all the same, none of them listened to a full side, the Demo was always one or two tracks and then something different was used...
Made sense for me. " +++++

MADE SENSE TO ME : IMHO an explanation is in order because if not then that " sense to me " could means everything including that that Sirius was faulty and either ML already knew it and did not disclose it or he never was aware of that problem even that the mistracking existed.

Unoear posted: +++++ " I have had the Sirius System lll in my room. The same Sirius that JTinn is discussing. As JTinn has told me, the Sirius, as it was setup by its previous owner, was not able to successfully navigate the inner groves. " ++++++ and he add that Tim Sheridan gives his blessing on the Unoear Sirius tonearm set up.

We can assume Jtinn talked about this subject with M.Lavigne.

Then IMHO some one of them is not saying the whole " true/history ".

Dear gentlemans: whom of you can be precise/with no single doubt about and " disclose " this mixup?.

Btw, good to know that you are an expert in that Sirius 3.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Unoear: +++++ "Other possibility could be that from the M.Lavigne place to Unoear's place somethinf was damaged on the tonearm but seems this was not happened because Unoear is enjoying it with no more " problem ". " +++++

is that true or only a misunderstood from my part?

Regards and enjoy the music,
This is a ridiculous thread. If there is an issue it should be resolved privately between the relevant parties and not be the subject of an endless and inane thread.