Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
Hello Jay.Your right.. The easiest way to explain Sistrum is to have someone put it to use in their system. It then becomes the most effective means of communication.All the mis conceptions and predispositions melt away..Tom
Of course Jay is right! he points out the very essence of all this mess, of which you are a MAJOR contributor:

But my and others' objections are not about Sistrum's performance. They're about the very questionable, science-like claims and explanations that, for some reason, Sistrum backers seem more devoted to forcing upon the rest of us than supporters of just about any other product. Their question seems to imply that if you were to try and enjoy a Sistrum product, than somehow that would prove that the line of science-like verbiage that Starsound puts out is valid.
Mejames: I may have misinterpreted your original post as asking if i would be willing to measure / test one of these devices more-so than just demo it. I am not against trying any product. Then again, i will only invest my money into a product that i think is worthy of the expenditure to begin with, regardless of a money back offer.

Other than that, testing of such a product and obtaining meaningful results would require days on end of very rigorous and systematic analysis. I have neither the time, patience or "optimal" equipment to do such. While it is possible that i could perform some rudimentary tests and obtain results, i'm quite certain that if they didn't jive with what Sistrum and the Sistrum devotees expect, it would only further inflame the situation.

Jayboard: That was a very reasonable post that summed up much of what i've been "trying" to say. That is, the techno-mumbo-jumbo that Sistrum and their supporters keep foisting upon us does not add up and is actually quite a turn-off towards their products. Maybe the product does work as claimed, but i can see no reason as to why it could / should and they don't seem to be able to explain why it does, if it does. Sean
PA, I think it's best to keep this in the I. Let me hear from Sean what he thinks. He might merely ditto you, but I'd rather hear it from him. What was it about Lak's system that made the Sistrum conducive, but not to your "complex" system? The Sistrum is "designed to be marketed ( rightfully so) to particular individuals." Would you care to elaborate? thanks in advance, warren
Warren, you just asked me for my system layout a few days ago. It's self explanatory. Just add the number of pieces. Then look at Lak's.

As for marketing, it is evident the Sistrum is a *boutique* product. So are the explanations...