Good-day to redkiwi and cornfedboy,
I urge you to pick up the telephone and call me (toll free at 1-877-668-4332). A person to person discussion could change your tune about our company, especially since I will have no knowledge as to who you are. Judge us based on the merits of your direct contact with our company or your personal experience with our designs.
Truthfully, anyone can attempt to damage the reputation and function of any product. We are never upset with any opinions concerning our products from people who have actually listened to and own the product.
The buying public is intelligent enough to analyze and critique the published reviews from IndustryÂs Senior Editors and form their own opinions with regard to the science and function of our products.
I truly find the attacks on our finance somewhat amusing though. More or less a cheap shot that bears no merit of truth whatsoever.
Audio Points and Sonoran A/V Wire Designs have been a part of our company for the past dozen years or so. Sistrum Platforms are the most recent project released into our product line up. Many more designs, including Harmonic Precision electronics and loudspeaker systems, are scheduled to follow.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with you and as always  Good Listening.
My name is Robert.
I urge you to pick up the telephone and call me (toll free at 1-877-668-4332). A person to person discussion could change your tune about our company, especially since I will have no knowledge as to who you are. Judge us based on the merits of your direct contact with our company or your personal experience with our designs.
Truthfully, anyone can attempt to damage the reputation and function of any product. We are never upset with any opinions concerning our products from people who have actually listened to and own the product.
The buying public is intelligent enough to analyze and critique the published reviews from IndustryÂs Senior Editors and form their own opinions with regard to the science and function of our products.
I truly find the attacks on our finance somewhat amusing though. More or less a cheap shot that bears no merit of truth whatsoever.
Audio Points and Sonoran A/V Wire Designs have been a part of our company for the past dozen years or so. Sistrum Platforms are the most recent project released into our product line up. Many more designs, including Harmonic Precision electronics and loudspeaker systems, are scheduled to follow.
We welcome the opportunity to speak with you and as always  Good Listening.
My name is Robert.