sivler interconnect

does silver interconnect sound warm or hash , im looking for warm int cable ,please give me advice, thanks
In general, Silver cables are fast, transparent,revealing, accurate, and engaging. Depending on the set up, results may vary. Silver is usually not the best match for some solid state components.

If you are looking for a "Warm" interconnect cable, I would suggest a copper cable. Anything from Cardas, Analysis Plus, or Acoustic Zen might do the trick for starters.

Good Luck!

What is your budget? Silver ICs can have a number of different sonic signatures depending on the design. Same with copper and gold, or even those designs that are hybrid.

If you truly are looking for a warm IC try VH Audio Pulsar cables, they are very reasonably priced and have a 60 day trial period. If your budget allows you to go higher, perhaps Xtreme Cables or Oritek might be your ticket. You should also keep in mind that cables are also system dependent. A pair that sounds warm in one may not sound warm in another.
i have yet to hear a silver cable which doesn't sound like silver. i believe there is a character to silver cables which is identifiable after listening for several hours.

there are price range considerations. i can suggest some cables over $500 per meter but you may be looking for less expensive products.

o.k, here are some suggestions: legenburg apollo and dcca interconnect.

if you want more infor on these cables, please let me know.

also, please define warm. i may have other suggestions
Mrtennis, you state:
i believe there is a character to silver cables which is identifiable...
How would you describe those characteristics? Are they consistent when using either tube or SS amplification??
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