SLI-80 which 6SN7?

Sorry to start yet another SLI-80 thread, but I found no thread that covered my specific question.

I'm interested to know from Cary owners ( as well as 6SN7 lovers ) which 6SN7 is the best. I hear good things about the Sylvania, but there are many versions of this company. Including chrome dome, and brown base that I hear talk about. Also I see that Tung-Sol, GE, Raytheon, RCA are readily available. Also since these tubes are " one for each channel " do they need to be perfectly matched?

I'm also curious to know how much of a improvement the " signature " version adds to this amp. And how many versions are there?

thanks in advance!
Thanks - Based on your preferred tubes for 6922s in particular I would guess that the Sylvania 6sn7Ws would be your gold standard (make sure same structure as the metal bases though they need not actually be metal bases). Amazing top-to-bottom performers with exceptional soundstage. On the cheaper side, you may want to try the RCA grey glass or even the little RCA 5692 tubes which have a tonal palette in line with the tubes you seem to like.

Some of the others I previously mentioned like NUs are probably not going to be your ideals since they are extremely rich in tone rather than covering extension as a primary strength.

This should be a fun process for you. The 6sn7s are a lot of fun to play around with. Once you get going, email me and let me know what you think (if you remember!). If you need recommendations for trustworthy and encyclopedic 6sn7 audiogon members and tube guys, I would be happy to suggest a few too.

Best of luck!

Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to look you up when I get some tubes to try.
I own this amp and have tried MANY different tubes in it. To some extent the choice of 6SN7s will depend on the other tubes being used. That said: I have tried many of the exotic 6SN7s in this amp. Sylvania metal base Ws, black base Ws, 1940s era Ratheons, black glass Ken-Rads and Tung-Sols, 1950s GE GTAs. They all imposed themselves on the sound. Some had nice mids but no upper or lower freq. extension. Some sounded warm and fuzzy. But so far, the best tube for THIS amp that I have found is a late 1960s FAA issue Sylvania GTB, the one with the angled plates. If you want clean, extended and detailed sound this tube is hard to beat. It is the most neutral and natural sounding tube in my set-up. I don't know if the FAA tubes were specially selected or not. Maybe all Syl. GTBs will sound the same. Haven't tried them since I have enough of the FAA ones to last me. Other tubes I am using currently: USA Amperex 'pinched waist' 6922s; GEC KT-88s; Mullard 5AS4s (RCA 5U4GBs make this amp sound hard and very bright; so much so that when I ran them I was forced to use Mullard 6DJ8s to soften the top end).