SLOG now has images

The Soundlab Owners Group now has an active link to view members systems. Mine is there for anyone who wondered what my room looked like BC (before construction.)

Here is the link:
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
wow, Albert.... beautiful to look at as well as listen to, eh? I feel good - we have the same amps! WOW! Yeah, we wanna see a picture... even under construction ones!

(is that a TV above the fireplace?) very sweet setup, my friend
Cheers and best wishes to you ! AJ
David, electrical is all done except for installing the individual switches, outlets and fixtures.

The new floor is India multi color slate and turned out beautiful. I have white PVC stubbed out of the new floor where I intend to cut flush and pull audio runs. Everyone that sees it in its current state asks why I have three drains on each sides of the fireplace. I suppose this is a reasonable question, the PVC is two and a half inch diameter to accommodate Purist Dominus RLS.

Angela, this would be a great time for Audiogon to have a place for all of us to post images. Not only room construction progress such as in my case, but cool equipment set ups, items for sale and detail images of equipment mods.

The pretty thing above the fireplace is a hand loomed rug. The big ugly black box to the left of the left Soundlab speaker is the TV. A Pioneer rear projector that I wish did not share the room at all.
man, I guess the eyes are the FIRST thing to go... I always knew that memory was the SECOND thing, but never could remember what the first thing was.... ;-}
Thanks Albert for providing the link for Sound Lab owners. What a beautiful home! Please keep us up-dated on the progress of your remodel.