Small footprint speakers

I am curently using an Atma-sphere set-up (MP-3 preamp and M60-Mk2.2 <60+ watt monoblocks> driving Rogers LS3/5a's(B.B.C. monitors) with their AB-1 passive subs. I need a SMALL footprint (width and depth), higher impedence (8 or more ohms) speaker having unpowered bass drivers. I listen primarily to WELL produced (yes, it does exist!) and pressed rock and pop and some jazz. Listening room is medium size very well damped (acoustically dead) and I don't usually listen at "headbanger" levels. What I'm looking for is: more bass (down to 30-35 hertz), better 3-D depth of soundstage, a little more "slam" while still maintaining the increadible sweetness and warmth of the Rogers' mid-range. Thanks!
It seems that most of what you are looking for can be found. The biggest concern is getting that 30-35 hz. range...and still having that small footprint.

Some small footprint speakers of note are the Vandersteen 1C, the Thiel 1.5 and the Meadowlark Kestrel....but all of these would need a sub to get down below 40-45 hz.

Hopefully there will be more suggestions.

Best of luck, Jim
The Thiel 1.5 should meet these specs. They have a small footprint, more than enough slam for your sized room and with your amps they should be a good fit. I have a pair of these and they are very cohesive from top-to-bottom and I really think these are as good on Jazz as I have heard. These are very authoritative speakers, for there size.

Good luck.
Silverline Panatela II, look at the A-gon for some good deals on these. Checking them i found that on paper they go down to 30hz?! And they are small too!