SME Tonearms of Canada - Alfred and Company that sell new and refurbish SME

Does anyone have experience with SME Tonearms of Canada They seem to know their stuff; experience of the ages and are absolute about what a NEW SME arm needs, starting with a rewire. 
Any thoughts from members who have bought from them, know them, experienced it first hand??? 

Showing 5 responses by totem395

Plus they’re not "foreign

Canadians, were more like cousins that have that currently
great exchange rate!
When you call Alfred he is most likely to be the one answering,
from what I can tell he enjoy's the banter.

Yup I've heard the same stories and after speaking to Alfred 
a couple times I'm not surprised in the least.
.how is he in business this long its shocking.

People change over time for a variety of reasons, mentality
financial etc personally I think things have gotten worse 
over the years and unfortunately there's no going back.