Okay you erred by buying the INT ahead of the speakers but you
made a great choice so you're not boxed in.
The most musical sounding Speaker we heard at a recent event was the
Sonus Faber Electra Amator 3. Fits your price range.
In a smaller room a 3 way might not work. That speaker is one of the sweetest sounding I've ever heard. Quit reading now and buy it!
In your 15 x 15 room consider headphones or at maybe some
LS 3/5s in near field configuration. Or just save your money.
made a great choice so you're not boxed in.
The most musical sounding Speaker we heard at a recent event was the
Sonus Faber Electra Amator 3. Fits your price range.
In a smaller room a 3 way might not work. That speaker is one of the sweetest sounding I've ever heard. Quit reading now and buy it!
In your 15 x 15 room consider headphones or at maybe some
LS 3/5s in near field configuration. Or just save your money.