So......what do you use under your speakers?

Looking to replace the stock spikes on my new speakers (Vivid Audio) that will make improvements in sound as well as give me a little more height. I have a commercial grade carpet over concrete with no padding. Not really looking to alter any frequency range but wouldn't mind general overall improvements in clarity, imaging, etc. I have been looking at Eden Sound Terracones, Stillpoints and Wave Kinetics. Price is not a deal breaker. TIA.
When you contact Vivid, ask them at what height they expect your ears to be, and then tell them what height your ears actually are.

I can't say that I've experimented with all the brands that you've mentioned, but I was very impressed with the sound of Audio Points by Star Sound Technologies. Specifically the 1.5 AP-A's.
Have a look or let's say listen to where and what you sit on. Rise or lower your head/ear position. A good stable listening position is often over looked. Also try adjusting the spikes to fit your preferred listening position. Lower in the front spikes and rise the rear ones. Location, Location, Location.
I found that floors are not square, and one speaker may be off just a hair...just enough to blur the sound. I use a laser to find the exact pitch of each speaker, and then shim if necessary.