So what would you recommend for my next upgrade?

I'd be interested in your thoughtful recommendations for my little system. With some recent help on "tuning" the speakers, it's beginning to sound very nice. But, you know, there's always room to grow . . . or spend money. Equipment list is as follows. So what's my next step . . . uh I mean investment?

Analog Front End:
Rega Planar 3 turntable
Sumiko Blue Point Special cartridge
Connection to phono amp: MIT cables (ancient, no network box)
NAD PP 2i phono preamp
Connectors out: MIT MI-330 Plus interconnects

Digital Front End:
Rega Planet
MIT MI-330 Plus output interconnects

Bryston B-60 integrated
Bottlehead Foreplay preamp is available
Zu Julian speaker cables - 12' (can go to 6' now)

Thiel 1.5s

Own 4000+ vinyl records and growing continuously
Own 100 CDs and growing slowly
Set up for near field listening
Room under construction - will tune it when that is done

+1 Zd & Al. I would get shorter speaker cables also. Would not make any other significant changes until room is finished and tuned to your liking.
That system is very nice and unless you do some major upgrades for large costs, I wouldn't do much unless something in your opinion is missing from the sound. Suggestions that come to mind; I used MIT 330 cables and they were nice. I upgraded to Transparent audio cables and experienced a noticeable improvement in sound without major costs. I purchased the cables used to save money. If you can borrow cables, try them before purchasing. The transparent cables are quite nice and you can find used cables fairly easily and they aren't expensive. They were an improvement over my MIT 330 cables. Noticeable improvement. Next would be to borrow a decent used external DAC and listen to CDs through the rega as a transport only. But again, you have a nice system and it would take some major cash to really see improvements, other than cables and decent (but not stupidly expensive) DAC.
