So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
Everything a human is capable of hearing can be measured, IN PRINCIPLE ...
Yes, exactly.
... But all that can be measured NOW does not correspond NECESSARILY with what we can hear today...Or to what need to be measured to represent the audible impression...
Yes, exactly. But that is difficult to accept if your religion is measurementalism, hence the periodic kerfuffles here.
The ability to measure only tells a very small amount about the complexity of this process. Mahgister brings up a good point about djones in that he does seem like one of the people in the pod on The Matrix. 
Maybe the most naive statement in audio. The objectivists are starting to show how gullible their reasonings are.
There are levels of gullibilty...

--First level is : buying costly audio cables based on "quantum" marketing pretense, is a gullible act....

But even if the "quantum" explanation is a publicity hoax there exist anyway audible difference between cables, the gullibility is born then more from ignorance about more powerful upgrading factor, than from the buying of costly cables, like cheap acoustic law and devices for example....

-- Second level of gullibility is: not trusting our own cumulatively informed listening experience and experiments but relying ONLY or MAINLY to some measured numbers to buy something in audio....

-- Third level of gullibility the deepest of all gullibility is : confusing science with technology and power, and erasing reality to give technology all the place to work.... Shamans are less gullible than transhumanist...

This is "cult" and "religious" attitude without the positive basic truth behind all religion....
Everything that can be heard, can be measured...except tinnitus...and one's imagination...though tinnitus can interfere with a hearing test.

Not everything that can be measured, can be heard. 

When testing loudspeaker components/systems in my shop, particularly high frequency devices such as compression drivers, quite a few customers can't hear a sweep tone beyond 14KHz. I've had lots of older folks...especially men...that can't hear beyond 8Khz...and that's driving with 2.83V into 8 ohms.

And yes...even speakers that measure similarly can sound sound quite a bit different in their presentation of a musical image by how they're designed.

What on earth does this have to do with conductors being directional?...which they are not.

More avoidance, and obfuscation, and changing the subject. How many of you subjectivists hold public office?
Everything that can be heard, can be measured...except tinnitus...and one's imagination...though tinnitus can interfere with a hearing test.
holy mother of god, you are a persistent idiot.