Sold a component and bought it back, am I nuts?

I sold my brand new naim 5si integrated about a month ago, by sold, I mean I traded it in. I was looking on website of company I traded it into, and noticed in used section. I inquired about it and was told it was indeed the Amp I had traded. They had to open box up to check it out before resale, despite it being new. Anyhow, they had it listed at a greatly reduced rice. Me, knowing it was my former amp, I scooped it back I a genius? Lol...



Obviously you have a problem...the first stage on the road to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Actually everyone here has a problem...!😂


"The formula for collecting is to collect the right stuff. "

Your user name is a giveaway. Just guessing your daily driver is not a minivan? I’ll just say that my username is not limited to audiogear, and may be a good description of my garage(s) as well.

Referring to audio, if I had the opportunity to buy back gear I sold (as a consumer) at below market price, I’d do it in a heartbeat.  The OP is not "nuts".