

Responses from fbgbill

Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
Art Pepper: Art Pepper Meets the Rhythm Section, The Artistry of Pepper, The Return of Art Pepper. Keith Jarrett & Jan Garbarek  Luminessence Keith Jarrett & Charlie Haden Last Dance  
When you switch from belt drive to direct drive turntable what do you lose?
VPI HW40 is a superb table IMO. Direct drive.  
got my PayPal 1099 /// what now?
It was very easy through TurboTax. It is under 1099 MISC and other common income. Just select 1099K and it will direct you through the process. It literally took 5 minutes. I just need to keep my receipts. On the work sheet you check payment for p... 
Tone Arm Lifter
Audio Technica here on my VPI HW40. I tried the Integrity but it did not work on my table. FWIW  
I started with a Knight Kit amp that I built at age 13 in 1962. I had some Radio Shack speakers and a turntable which I do not recall who built. I eventually over time bought a McIntosh system in the 80's and went through some Nakamichi stuff. My ... 
Some thoughts on dust covers
I have the VPI HW40 turntable and it came with a dustcover which can be attached with included hinges. At first I was just going to go without the cover as I did not have enough room for the hinged cover to open enough. Then I thought that without... 
??? What Is The MOST Expensive System You Ever Heard ??? What Was Your Opinion ???
Since I got back into audio about 5 years ago, I did not visit any audio stores as I do not live that close to any. I guess the most expensive system is my current one and it really sounds superb to me. I am all McIntosh except for my VPI turntabl... 
Power cord
As danmar123 said, make you own. I made cords for all of my components and could custom size the lengths. I used Furutech components from the cable store.    
Where to purchase cables?
I have Morrow cables in all of my interconnects and speakers. My power cables were made by me using Furutech components. No complaints.   
Would McIntosh Auto Transformers affect speaker sound?
You can call me shat you want but I have McIntosh from the preamp to the speakers. C2700, MC611, XR100 and they sound superb. The only thing not McIntosh is my turntable which is VPI.  
VPI Industries---Love the Company as Much as their Turntables
About three years ago after getting back into vinyl I was looking to upgrade. I contacted a recommended dealer and he said he could get me the HW40 for a very reasonable price. I had not even considered a VPI. He contacted Mast and I had them inst... 
"I love it when a plan comes together!!!"
Well your "downsized" room is still bigger than mine!!!!!  
Recommend an MC cartridge
I have the Ortofon Cadenza Black and have used it for about two years. I like it so much I bought another as a backup. Once my original needs service, I will have it rebuilt and keep is a a backup.   
VPI to What
I have owned my HW40 for almost two years and would not part ways with it. Since I am 75 it is probably my last TT.  
The receiver was my intro to HiFi! What say you?
Mine was a Sansui receiver bought in the 60's but I have no idea which model. I kept that thing for many years and used it in my office until the sometime in the 80's.